Full member Since January 1st, 2021
IAIR Newsletter Editor since July 1st, 2021
Social Media Coordinator since September 1st, 2019
The Primary Purpose of the Academy is to promote intercultural understanding. Accordingly, it promotes and encourages research, theory, and practice in the field of intercultural relations. The Academy also strives to disseminate to the public information regarding intercultural relations and it encourages interchanges between people with an interest in intercultural relations. The ultimate goal of the Academy is to promote world peace and prosperity through applications of academic principles and research findings to the betterment of human realities.
ginning of recorded time.
Member Since April 1st, 2019
Conference Co-director of the 36th SIETAR Japan on November 27-28, 2021
PR Director since April 1st, 2020
The purpose of SIETAR JAPAN is to foster international and intercultural communication and cooperation through the promotion of intercultural education, training, and research in Japan.
In order to carry out the aims of the Society, the society will organize regular meetings and activities, publish newsletters, proceedings, and journals, and engage in other activities decided by the Steering Committee.
SIETAR JAPAN belongs to SIETAR Global Network and supports the same fundamental beliefs and goals, organizing activities independently.
JALT MEMBER Since April 1st, 2014
The Japan Association for Language Teaching (JALT) is a nonprofit organisation dedicated to the improvement of language teaching and learning. JALT promotes excellence in language learning, teaching, and research by providing opportunities for those involved in language education to meet, share, and collaborate.