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This mini-lecture aims to raise awareness of privilege and give you an opportunity to self-examine and think about your own privileges. It is linked to a video with a powerful message. After watching the lecture, please take a brief moment of self-reflection after watching it.

Hawthorne Experiments

This mini-lecture focuses on the Hawthorne experiments performed by Elton Mayo in the early 20th century. These groundbreaking experiments revealed some fascinating results which changed our understanding of motivation and productivity of humans both in workplaces and educational environments including the classroom.  

The original purpose of these experiments was to examine how physical aspects of the work environment, such as lighting, break times, work hours, wages, affected worker productivity.

The findings of the experiments revealed that despite the cumulative improvements in physical working conditions productivity remained more or less the same.

As a result, the researchers continued the experiment by delving deeper into emotional factors such as relationship, trust, recognition.  

The physical work conditions were kept the same yet employee motivation and productivity increased when employees’ emotional needs were addressed through a working culture based on autonomy, responsibility, and genuine recognition of employees. In other words, when employees were granted more freedom, leadership responsibilities and recognition for what they achieved, their motivation and productivity went up regardless of the physical conditions.

Orpheus Orchestra: Collaborative Leadership Development

This video lecture sheds light on the tenets of collaborative leadership and how a chamber orchestra operates without a conductor in a harmonious way by embracing the fundamental principles of collaborative leadership. it is also linked to a video by the Orpheus Institute that the members talk about the Orpheus Process as it relates to business culture and leadership development. 

The Orpheus Chamber Orchestra has earned a massive reputation as one of the premier musical ensembles in the world. Being the only renowned orchestra that rehearses, performs, and records without a conductor, Orpheus is a prime example of how collaborative leadership practices are implemented in a harmonious way. In this video, Orpheus Musicians talk about how an orchestra can successfully operate without a conductor.

Market Basket Case 

"On July 18, 2014, the majority of Market Basket’s 200 non-unionized front office workers, another 300 warehouse associates, and 65 truck drivers walked out on their jobs and spent the next six weeks protesting in front of the family-owned New England supermarket chain’s headquarters. Customers joined the protest by doing their grocery shopping elsewhere, essentially bringing business to a halt. The protestors were objecting to the firing of Market Basket CEO Arthur T. Demoulas by the company’s board of directors, on which sat his cousin, and foe, Arthur S. Demoulas. But why, many wondered, was having Arthur T. at the helm so important to so many different stakeholders? What exactly were they trying to protect? And why were their concerns so widely and deeply shared that they would risk banding together in protest without any legal protections for their actions?"

"We are market basket". (2015, March 23). MIT Sloan.

Collaboration - Affect/Possibility: Ken Blanchard at TEDxSanDiego

Stating that "no one of us is as smart as all of us," Ken Blanchard teaches us three aspects of successful collaboration: 1. if you meet someone who wants to accomplish something, and you want to accomplish something, the experience is meant to be dynamic; 2. rely on the different skills and experience people bring to the table; 3. "essence" and "form" are the two characteristics of a solid collaboration. In the spirit of ideas worth spreading, TEDx is a program of local, self-organized events that bring people together to share a TED-like experience. At a TEDx event, TEDTalks video and live speakers combine to spark deep discussion and connection in a small group. These local, self-organized events are branded TEDx, where x = independently organized TED event. The TED Conference provides general guidance for the TEDx program, but individual TEDx events are self-organized.* (*Subject to certain rules and regulations)

The Seven Habits of Highly Effective People

The seven habits are as follows:

  1. Be proactive

  2. Begin with the end in mind

  3. Put first things first

  4. Think win/win

  5. Seek to understand first, before making yourself understood

  6. Learn to synergize

  7. Sharpen the saw

Six Barriers to Intercultural Communication

Even within the same culture, communication isn't always easy. Spouses get divorced, friends fall out and workers change jobs often because of misunderstandings. Add cultural differences to the mix, and the sources of potential problems multiply. Whether you're a student, businessperson, or traveler, knowing the barriers to intercultural communication is the first step to overcoming problems.

How the coronavirus widens a cultural divide?

The gap in perceptions of the pandemic puts Japanese and non-Japanese co-workers at odds.


How to win friends and influence others by Dale Carnegie 

English and Intercultural Communication | Ayame Mochizuki | TEDxGKA

Though Ayame Mochizuki is the 7th Grade, she loves to learn languages and is learning five languages now.  She says that learning languages changed her positively.  She claims that many people in Japan need more opportunities to talk to foreign people. She will express her feeling on the advantages of intercultural communication, and how it will change your world. 13 yrs old / Though Ayame Mochizuki is a 7th Grade in Junior High school, she loves to learn languages, and is learning five languages now. She says that learning languages changed her positively. She claims that many people in Japan need more opportunities to talk to foreign people. She will express her feeling on the advantages on intercultural communication, and how it will change your world. This talk was given at a TEDx event using the TED conference format but independently organized by a local community. Learn more at

Explorations into being Hafu: Megumi Nishikura at TEDxKyoto 2013

What began as a personal journey to find her own place in a world between cultures has transformed, through the power of film, into a way for thousands to explore exactly what it means to be "hafu". In the spirit of ideas worth spreading, TEDx is a program of local, self-organized events that bring people together to share a TED-like experience. At a TEDx event, TEDTalks video and live speakers combine to spark deep discussion and connection in a small group. These local, self-organized events are branded TEDx, where x = independently organized TED event. The TED Conference provides general guidance for the TEDx program, but individual TEDx events are self-organized.* (*Subject to certain rules and regulations)

But we're speaking Japanese! 日本語喋ってるんだけど

But we are speaking Japanese is a short film designed to raise awareness of deep-rooted stereotypes in Japanese society. It also reflects the day-to-day frustration of the international Japanese community with exaggeration.
The video features a Japanese waitress ignoring a group of non-Asian customers who speak fluent Japanese while paying attention to the only Asian member of the group, who does not speak any Japanese.

Only 10% of firms in Japan have addressed LGBT issues: survey

Just over 10 percent of companies in Japan have policies aimed at protecting the rights of sexual minorities, a recent government survey revealed, reflecting the nation's lack of progress in addressing workplace inequality.

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